
Giving Online

An essential element of our Christian walk is worship. At the core of our worship experience is giving.

Giving is not an obligation like paying your rent or mortgage bill. Rather, giving is an act of love and an expression of your appreciation to the Lord. Celebrate God by sharing the blessings He has already bestowed on you. So rejoice, be glad and give with resolve and cheer. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Giving online is a convenience provided by the church and your personal preference, but here are a few of the benefits:

  • You are taking a step of faithdeciding in advance to give faithfully.
  • You will help simplify your life—you won´t have to remember whether you gave this month or need to send in a check when you´re on a trip.
  • You will be helping the church—it allows you to give consistently, even when you’re not at church.
  • You can focus on worship without distractions—no more having to get out a pen and write out a check.
  • The process is secure and simple—it’s so easy even a caveman could do it.

You may also Give Manually if you do not have a login.

How do I Give Online?

Join the community of other First Apostolic Church attendees using Church Community Builder—our online membership and giving portal. It’s simple: Click here to access your existing account. To register for a new account, click Sign Up.